The TecRug is designed to provide the same therapeutic benefits of the but can be used as a paddock rug without a protective coat in dry conditions. In damp conditions, a lightweight waterproof rug over TecRug is required.
Both the and TecRug are -
- Light weight rugs with exceptional thermal capabilities that allow the horse to self-regulate its own body temperature with immeasurably more efficiency than other rugs.
- Able to assist with treatment of current injuries, chiropractic treatment, massage or for coat improvement.
- Designed to eliminate the need for multiple rugs just to keep the horse warm.
- Stimulate blood flow and the lymph system.
- More suited to stable conditions but can be used very successfully in the paddock under a lightweight protective outdoor rug.
- Effective in reducing radiant heat loss in horses. The SnugRug is a natural way of keeping your horse warn and comfortable,.
- Fantastic for older horses.
- Very effective on ‘Show' coats / clipped horses (yearling preps)
- For more warm climates with higher humidity, the TecRug (see below) may be a useful alternative.
MIRoTEC® utilises ‘space blanket technology’ – “top trainers, breeders, sportsmen and medical experts recommend it!” Mirotec reflects infra-red radiation and by reflecting heat boosts blood circulation whilst allowing water vapour and moisture to pass through the laminate. The effects of reflecting back body heat are to increase tissue temperature, cause blood vessel dilation and increase the local circulation which aids the delivery of needed tissue nutrients and the removal of tissue waste products and toxins.
Thermal warmth helps to ease pain, stiffness, soothe sore or overused muscles.